Connect Drupal-7.x (Linux) with SQL Server 2008R2 via NodeJS (Windows) Part 2 of 3

Part 2: Installation & Configuration of SSL for NodeJS.
Table of Content:
  1. Part 1: Installation & Configuration of SQL Server Driver for NodeJS.
  2. Concept
  3. Note
  4. Requirement
  5. Create Certificates
  6. Deploy NodeJS test server
  7. PHP Curl script example
  8. Part 3

In order to communicate securely, we need to encrypt the connection between our client (PHP) and server (NodeJS) via SSL protocol.

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Connect Drupal-7.x (Linux) with SQL Server 2008R2 via NodeJS (Windows) Part 1 of 3

Part 1: Installation & Configuration of SQL Server Driver for NodeJS.

This EXPERIMENTAL article works only if you’re connecting to SQL Server with Drupal in Linux. If you use Windows for your Drupal, that’s another story (a lot simpler). Also if the Drupal module DBLIB is mature enough (pushed to main project) than this article might be obsolete.

Table of Content:
  1. Concept
  2. Why NodeJS
  3. Some drawbacks using this method
  4. System used for this build
  5. Requirements
  6. Driver Installation
  7. Driver Testing
  8. Part 2: Installation & Configuration of SSL for NodeJS.

Drupal communicates with SQL Server via a bridge in the form of custom module and custom server. This module will send query to the server and receive the results for further processing.

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